Cradle Mountain gave its name to the northern part of the Cradle Mountain - Lake St.Clair National Park. The 85 km long Overland Track from Lake St.Clair ends here (or starts - depending on from where you are going). Walking trails are numerous and we believe quite beautiful when it's not snowing and blowing with a chill factor rounding it all to about -40C.
The best short walk, appropriately named "The Enchanted Walk" starts at the Visitor Centre. The walk is really delightful in the early morning, when the only tracks are those of the native animals that appreciate timber decking of the trail and most definetely have something important to do on the other side of the creek - since the bridge is there…
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Next to the Visitor Centre
Frost on the grass
Enchanated Walk - snow
Enchanated Walk - creek
Animals' tracks
Animals' tracks
Animals' tracks
Animals' tracks
Animals' tracks
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