One of the favourite hobbies of Eneabba residents is fishing. The coast of is just a 25-minute drive on the Eneabba-Leeman (Coolimba) Road. Previously it has been mentioned that the fishing is usually quite good.

Now, thanks to John Read who supplied all photos for this page, the proof is here. It's unlikely that these pictures require any comments.

Tim on board Poppy’s Play Pen
a day out fishing (Alan and John)
another day out fishing (John and Alan - Beau's 1st birthday party)
John, Clint & Alby
Alby, Peta, John & Jimmy
Jimmy, Peta & Alby
Steve & John
Tim and John
Nikita, Beau, Jimmy & John
Beau and poppy
Spud, Peter, Alan & Jim - enjoying the days catch
John, Alan & Spud
Peta with dhu fish
26 lb dhu fish
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