The Houtman Abrolhos Islands, named so in the 16th century, lie 64 km of the coast of Geraldton and are used as a base for rock lobster fishing. Visitors are not permitted to camp on the islands, due to the high natural and conservational value of the place. For more information on the Islands please see Abrolhos Islands Visitor's Guide. This part of the site is devoted to Mike and Kath Davidson and Garry and Loraine Augustson, who made our trip to North Island possible.
A small Beechcraft airplane from Geraldton's Shine Aviation takes about 30 minutes to get to the North Island. Our trip was a bit longer, as we were taken over some spectacular groups of islands, including Batavia Graveyard. For more information about famous mutiny on Batavia please see Grey Company - The Batavia Story. Please click on the image to enlarge it.
Eastern Group
Eastern Group reef
Wallaby Group
Wallaby Group
Fishermen's boats near North island
North Island
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